I can tell that attempting to blog every day might be a little more difficult than I originally thought because today I wasn't feeling feel so I really haven't done anything.
The main event of the morning was going to the post office. I got my first letter that was sent to my very own PO box! Shout out to Lynn for the letter. Letters are arriving quickly in about a week to 10 days so everyone should send me letters. Hers even included a picture so that's extra points. I also got a text from my site mate Emily that she has slips for a ridiculous number of packages that I will pick up tomorrow. I'm not going to disclose the number of packages, but I will tell you that I've devised a may to get them all home. Wish me luck. Update tomorrow.
The rest of the day was spent resting in my room since my mom told me I didn't look good and she didn't want to see me until dinner. I'm definitely feeling better after resting and I don't have a super busy day tomorrow so hopefully I'll be back to normal.
Keep sending me questions! Then I'll have something to write about!
Until next time!
8 years ago
Thanks for the extra points! I feel special.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are not coming down with the swine flu! I'm in Denver and everyone in the house has the sniffles. River has a fever. Kids with the sniffles are especially whiney. Yippie!! Tomorrow I'm on to Claire's in California and no plague incubators.
you're not boring! I live 16K away from you, have (basically) the same life, and I'm still not bored reading your blog!
p.s. I hate you (for the packages).